Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sewer Treatment Blog

    Last week we visited the sewer treatment plant. I learned a lot! Before last week I didn't even know where the plant was located let alone all the things they do the the sewer water to treat it. Besides the nasty smell, visiting the plant was a great leaning expenience. When we first got there we seen the water comeing into the plant and how it is initially filtered out and all the big chucks of stuff are removed. Next it goes into big tanks where the sluge is settled at the bottom and them removed. After that the water goes into even bigger tanks where little micro organisms eat the little chuncks of stuff out of  the water. I was hoping we could get to see the lab where the water is tested but we ran out of time. Mabey we can vistit there again sometime so we can see the rest of the plant.
    After leaving the sewage plant we went across the steet to recycle, (which I also didn't know it's location before last week). We recycled bottles and paper. Since I brought magazines which can't be recycled I picked up 25 pieces of trash and threw it away in the big granger dumpsters. This was very easy because unfortunally there was a lot of trash all around the recycling area.

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