Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Footprint Blog

2. Im not really sure how to use a blog at all but i think if i learned how it would be helpful.
    This website might be confusing for younger kids.
3. My fotprint is 27 tons of CO2 per year of estimated emissions
    a.) I can reduce my emmisions myself by turning off my lghts when there not in use, take a shorter shower, and unplug things when not in use.
   b.) My school can recycle paper and water bottles, use energy efficient lights,  and share paper.
   c.) My community can carpool more, recycle more often, and pick up trash.
5. If our community can recycle better and try to keep our river cleaner in our town it will help keep our water-shed cleaner and nicer. If our community worker together we would pick up trash and carpool more often we could keep our river and air cleaner by emmiting less pollution.

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